Our stock is always changing so contact us to make sure its here!

Pickup is available in Arcadia, FL or Ocala,FL. Contact before pickup to ensure were not out on delivery when you arrive.

3 tie alfalfa: $34
3 tie Western Timothy: $37

Very pretty 3 tie Timothy. 90lb bales. Looks fantastic and the horses love it! These are bundled in 14 bale bundles for easy loading and transport.

You don't have to order full bundles.

Beautiful green 3 tie alfalfa bales. 90lb bales. Baled with steamer for very nice leaf retention as well as helping keep the dust to a minimum. Bundled in 14 bale bundles for easy loading and transport.

Premium 3 tie alfalfa: $38

out of stock

This alfalfa is only our best. Very good color and leaf retention. Very soft with small stems. 90lb bales


Our hay is sourced from Montana, We strive for the highest quality hay as well as proper storage and dry transport.